Executive committee


Professor Visakan Kadirkamanathan

The University of Sheffield

Staff profile

Honorary secretary

Professor Keith Burham

University of Wolverhampton

Honorary treasurer

Professor Andrew Plummer

University of Bath

Past chair

Professor Roger Dixon

University of Birmingham

Group representatives

Professor Stephen Duncan

University of Oxford

Dr Olivier Haas

Coventry University

Professor George Halikias

City, University of London

Professor William Heath

The University of Manchester

IChemE representative

Professor Barry Lennox

The University of Manchester

IET representatives

Dr Rebecca Margetts

Nottingham Trent University

Professor James Taylor

Lancaster University

Staff profile

IMechE representative

Professor Eric Rogers

University of Southampton

InstMC representatives

Professor Sarah Spurgeon

University College London

Professor Jan Maciejowski

University of Cambridge

Observer (CONTROL 2022)

Dr Sanjay Sharma

University of Plymouth

Staff profile

Observer (EPSRC)

To be confirmed


Observer (IET)

Lynsay Callaghan


Observer (InstMC)

Stephanie Smith
